Thursday, April 29, 2010

My horsey friends

This is a picture I took with my junkie point and shoot. The sky was awesome looking as a storm was blowing in. I ran to the car for my camera and took a few shots but nothing came out as I had envisioned because all I had was my little camera that I keep in my purse. But I still liked this one because of the angle and the way you see one horse in the background under the first. Skip, in the back, is actually a lot bigger than Tiger Lily (a pony), in the front. This shows some of the post production that can be done to make a snapshot into something interesting.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


I just did a restoration project for a client. I am thrilled to see that professional images are valued by family for generations. The snap shots they had were a total loss but with the quality materials of these pro images, they were just a bit cracked and yellow but salvageable.